Archive for 25. Oktober 2016


Showtime: CYC

I have been part of an amazing dance show last weekend! It was the CYC Show in Solingen which was organized by Sabine Schön who owns a dance studio. She also invited other pole dancers and acrobats to join the show. Due to a facebook post we got in contact with her and were so happy when she picked us to perform at her show. You may wonder who is us, it´s our dance group the Emotioncatchers. Our group normally...

My reasons for being vegan

As a vegan you get often asked what your reasons are for eating vegan. I think the better question would be how you can be not vegan?! How you can eat meat and drink milk although animals have to be hurt so you can enjoy such products. But before I was vegan I would have asked the same question 😉 So I don´t mind explaining my reasons and hope it even makes others think about their food, too. I would...