Archive for 17. Januar 2018


Setting your Goals right

  About two weeks ago a new year began and that means for many of us it was time to set goals! Most people love to set goals, but when it comes to reaching those goals we start to struggle. But this year we will do better and I will help you! In the following post I will give you some tipps on how to set your goals and stay motivated to work towards your goals. The following tipps have...

2018 Goals

I am ready for a new year and new goals! I wanna share with you my goals for this year, so you maybe get some inspiration to set your own goals. I will share some tipps for setting and achieving goals in my next blog post to help you a bit if you struggle to stick to your goals. If you don´t want to miss it, follow me on facebook as I share new blog posts there.   Health As...

2017 Throwback

It has been way too long since my last blog post, next year I will try to do better. I will try to post at least once a month and let you be part of my life as a pole artist, trainer, dog mum, psychology student and vegan! 🙂 Today I want to share with you my favourite moments of last year. I tried to chose one favourite moment of each month, which was really hard. It´s really nice to...